Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Improve your choice of process control algorithms

Whitehouse Consulting: King, M. J.

This algorithm, when properly tuned, can greatly reduce the quantity of off-spec material made from a process upset. It can be the largest contributor to the benefits captured by improved process control.

HP Reliability: Why users must update design contractors’ understanding

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

In early 2012, a rotating equipment engineer was involved in a machinery quality assessment (MQA).1 Located halfway around the globe, this engineer’s new job was to oversee the engineering, procu..

HP Viewpoint: IT/OT integration—Is it safe?

Waterfall Security: Ginter, A.

Information technology (IT) includes conventional computers, operating systems, networking components and software platforms. All IT developments continue to increase in importance for industrial cont..

HP Viewpoint: Increase the visibility and reliability of all major plant assets

Dresser-Rand: Scheef, D.

Turbomachinery, essential to refining and petrochemical operations, has significant impact on plant production, maintenance and energy consumption. One of the most effective ways to improve turbomachi..

HP Industry Perspectives: POLL FINDINGS: Pipelines remain crude route of choice for North American refiners

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: DuBose, Ben

While the Keystone XL pipeline project remains in limbo, the concept behind it is very much alive.Roughly 70% of industry respondents predict that pipelines will be the most popular crude oil transpor..

HP Brief

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Thinnes, Billy

Changes on the horizon at Harburg refineryNynas has received approval from the European Commission to take over production and responsibility for the base oil plant and associated production units at ..

HP Impact: Statoil issues report on In Amenas terrorist attack

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Thinnes, Billy

Statoil’s board has concluded an investigation into the terrorist attack at the BP gas plant in In Amenas, Algeria. The investigation team visited the In Amenas plant on April 16 and issued its f..

HP Innovations

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Blume, Adrienne

Burner management system ideal for retrofitsPrincipal Technology Inc. offers a modern burner management system (BMS) (Fig. 1) specifically designed for the retrofit of legacy boilers, ovens, furnaces ..

Mitigate fouling in crude unit overhead—Part 1

CH2M Hill: Sloley, A. W.

In a refinery crude distillation column, up to 40% of the total heat removal may be found in the tower overhead condenser. The quantity of duty available makes heat integration (HI) between the column..

Update: Russia’s capacity and modernization program

RAS, A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas: Levinbuk, M.
Gazprom Neft: Galkin, V. V.  |  Makhiyanov, V.

Since 2008, Russian regulations regarding the crude oil and refining industry have changed substantially. At present, Russia has 22 large refineries, each with an individual throughput capacity exceed..