Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


HP News: Process safety pioneer passes away

Granherne: Edwards, D. W.

   Trevor Kletz was a giant   in the field of process safety.  One of the founders and leaders of process safety in thought and practice, Professor Trevor Kletz, died on ..

Mitigate heat exchanger corrosion with better construction materials

Sandvik Materials Technology: Perea, E.

Better materials can provide optimal equipment service life, reduce maintenance, mitigate contamination by corrosion products and minimize heat loss due to fouling.

Video game technology transforms operator training

AVEVA: Coppin, D.

Thanks to advances in gaming technology with detailed 3D modeling, it has become practical, affordable and quick to create a navigable, hyper-real equivalent of a facility.

Design a staggered depressurization sequence for flare systems

L&T-Chiyoda Ltd.: Dole, R.  |  Bhatt, S.  |  Sridhar, S.

Emergency depressurization is one of the most important design provisions for safeguarding facilities in case of an emergency. To overcome limitations of flare system capacity during such a scenario, depressurization can be practiced in a sequential manner. Presented here are the criteria and calculation methods for designing sequential depressurization, along with guidelines for the implementation of recommended designs.

Mitigate fouling in crude unit overhead—Part 3

CH2M Hill: Sloley, A. W.

CASE STUDYThe basis for this case study is shown in Fig. 18; it is a crude unit with overhead heat integration. This is a one-drum overhead system with heat integration and no water wash. In an attemp..

Rethink the hazards in your process

Professional engineer: Modi, R.

In designing process safety systems, “more” is not necessarily better. Advanced technology has created a mindset to over-install hardware to prevent or to reduce the risk of failure in hydro..

Consider process-based failure analysis methods for piping and equipment

Avoiding incident (or accident) recurrences at industrial systems is a long-standing problem, and it involves process safety strategies (PSSs). Incurring zero incidents is the ultimate goal for any st..

HP Reliability: Demand specifics in designing your asset management programs

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

In 2009, an automation journal commissioned an online survey asking industry observers and practitioners to rank technology trends in 2009 and beyond.1 Table 1 summarizes the respondents’ prefere..

HP Integration Strategies: Engineering design tools are moving to the ‘cloud’

ARC Advisory Group: Slansky, Dick

According to a new market study on engineering design tools, new 3D design applications can play an integral part in determining the optimal design, creation and construction of HPI facilities.

HP Engineering Case Histories: Case 76: Simple troubleshooting analysis tips are useful

Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

Analyzing failed parts or poor operation requires the proper skills and equipment. Sometimes these investigations are not always very difficult. Often, troubleshooting a failure just requires a logica..