April 2017
Special Focus: Petrochemical Developments
In the early 2000s, very few analysts predicted the innovation that would change the landscape in the energy, refining and petrochemical sectors over the next several decades.
The development of an industrial process like an ethylene (C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub>) plant requires skills and knowledge in two main subject areas: synthesis and analysis. Optimal configuration through process synthesis (PS) with selected task selection (STS) is the main theme of this work.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is the world’s third-most widely produced commodity polymer, after polyethylene (C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)n and polypropylene (C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>6</sub>)n.
In the last decade, maximizing refinery production of polymer-grade propylene (PGP) has gained importance due to high demand from the petrochemical industry.
Process Engineering
The markets for ethylene oxide (EO) and ethylene glycol (EG) continue to see attractive growth. This means that at least one or two new plants will need to be constructed every year if the industry is to meet forecast demand.
Despite high demand and depressed refining margins, the US is in the midst of a glut of gasoline. This predicament is causing a rush to convert summer gasoline into cheaper winter gasoline, in the hope that using cheap butane and higher Reid vapor pressure (RVP) specs will increase refining profits.
Oxygenates are hydrocarbons containing oxygen atoms as part of their molecular structure.
Process Control and Instrumentation
Achieving the correct level reading in a petrochemical reactor is a critical process variable in maintaining good process operations (oxidation, digestion, polymerization, crystallization, hydrocracking, hydrogenation, etc.) in the petrochemical industry.
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) is an important, versatile thermoplastic polyester that has exceptional resistance to both heat and chemicals.
Heat Transfer
A few years ago, managers at a US-based oil refinery called in an expert to inspect their oil furnaces with an infrared (IR) camera.
Environment and Safety
In mid-2016, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published Regulation 40 CFR, Part 60, Sub-part OOOOa, commonly known as QuadOa. This regulation has propelled optical gas imaging (OGI) firmly into the mainstream, and presents a major shift in the way fugitive emissions are regulated and the technologies that can be used.
Process hazard analysis (PHA) is performed to identify possible hazard scenarios that may occur in a process.
Although new petrochemical project announcements have fallen over the past 3 yr, the global petrochemical sector will continue to see strong growth through the end of the decade.
When a major asphalt manufacturer experienced random bearing wear in its gear pumps, there was justified concern.
The planned upgrading of oil refineries in South Africa to produce Euro 5-specified fuels will likely take longer than initially anticipated.
Why is operational excellence (OE) increasingly being recognized as the path to world-class performance?
Trends and Resources
In October 2016, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) announced that it will implement a new regulation that calls for the sulfur content in marine fuels to be reduced from 3.5% to 0.5%.
Modularization is an alternative way of performing engineering aimed to reduce the number of interfaces, the total installed cost (TIC) and overall schedule length of a project, while optimizing the return on investment (ROI) and allowing standardization for similar future projects.
Asian refinery margins remained healthy ahead of the spring maintenance season, despite a slight fall due to signs of a bearish gasoline market.
Udo Bauer has been appointed to the executive board of Hoerbiger Holding AG. Mr. Bauer will represent the compression technology strategic business unit, now comprised of the previous compressor OEM business area and the previous compressor service business area, as the business unit’s CEO.

- Ladayn Polymer Park (Oman) to enter production in 2025 with nearly $155 MM of investments 2/10
- BASF introduces first superabsorbent polymer with product carbon footprint of zero 2/7
- Russia may ban gasoline exports for a month to stabilize prices 2/7
- South Korean petrochemical firms' profits fall in 2024 as oversupply persists 2/7
- Russia's oil transit via Ukraine down 15% in 2024 2/7
- Amogy expands operations to South Korea, strengthening regional presence with key stakeholders to advance its ammonia-to-power solutions 2/7