Kumar, S.
Dr. Sunil Kumar is a the Senior Principal Scientist at CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun. He has 14 yr of experience in the refining and chemical industries. His professional interests include flow scheme synthesis, simulation, design, scale-up, debottlenecking, pinch analysis and the process integration of chemical and refining processes, as well as the development of energy and capital efficient distillation, extraction and absorption-based separation processes using experimental data and process simulation tools. Dr. Kumar received a BTech degree from HBTI Kanpur, an MTech degree from IIT Kanpur and a PhD from IIT Roorkee.
An innovative process for simultaneously producing high-purity benzene and U.S.-grade gasoline from FCC C6 heartcut
Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) II regulations restrict the average benzene level in gasoline sold in the U.S. to 0.62 vol%. In India and in several other countries, benzene in gasoline is presently restricted to 1 vol%. Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) gasoline contributes to nearly 10%–20% of the gasoline pool in a typical refinery.
Modified revamp process to reduce energy use in an SDA unit
Solvent deasphalting (SDA) is emerging as a low-cost, bottom-of-the-barrel upgrading process to recover valuable oil from short residue. This oil can either be further processed to make lube-oil-based stocks or cracked in secondary processing units.
Improve solvent recovery in wax production
The solvent-recovery section of the deoiling unit for wax production consumes substantial energy. In this study, the effects of operating conditions (pressure), energy consumption and cost, and proces..
Tune up the ‘sweetening’ process for your facility
Novel catalysts can improve the oxidation of thiols (RSH) found in light oils. Thiols in petroleum products, such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and light straight-run naphtha (LSRN), usually found ..
Refinery configurations: Designs for heavy oil
Conceptualization and economic models looked at scenarios to process clean gasoline, diesel from domestic feedstock
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