Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


HP Innovations

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Blume, Adrienne

Small-capacity SRUs available for petchemsPrincipal Technology offers sulfur recovery units (SRUs) (Fig. 1) specifically designed for small-capacity petrochemical plants. The SRUs are available in nam..

Maximize LNG carrier efficiency through integrated optimization

Eniram: Guillemin, P.

Officers and engineers aboard an LNG carrier are busy. They require real-time, user-friendly data derived from the vessel’s systems, as well as accurate individual metrics.

HP Reliability: Things to know and do before starting new initiatives

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

HP editors frequently attend technical conferences to keep informed on the many factors impacting the hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI). The focus of these conferences often differs. However, one ..

HP Industry Perspectives: Tale of two continents

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

Growing supplies by non-OPEC countries has introduced some calm for crude oil prices. However, other factors are influencing profitability and margins. In the US, the abundance of shale oil and the 40..

HP News

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Thinnes, Billy

API releases three new standards to improve refinery safetyThe American Petroleum Institute (API) issued three new first-edition standards to enhance refinery safety and inspection programs:RP 583, Co..

What is the ‘refinery of the future’?

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

For years, technology experts and engineers have discussed the elements and operations that will define the refinery of the future. The refining industry has made great progress from the early days. H..

Use crowdsourcing to boost process simulation

Schneider Electric: Brown, S.

There are many ways to enhance the user experience of next-generation simulators by borrowing concepts from crowdsourcing, data mining and related fields.

HP Reliability: Normalization of deviance can kill

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

On January 28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger (mission STS-51-L) broke apart just 73 seconds after launch. The seven-member crew of the shuttle lived until 3 minutes and 58 seconds after launch, w..

HP Project Management: Better strategies avoid project delays—Part 3

Tecnicas Reunidas: Corrales-Pérez, J.

The first two parts of this series analyzed the root causes of project delays and proposed strategies to avoid schedule overruns. This final part reviews construction planning.Construction planningOne..

HP Petrochemicals: Future vehicle design will need collaboration among HPI and auto manufacturers

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: DuBose, Ben

The US automotive market is under stress to meet new corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) targets of 50 mpg for 2025 model vehicles. The tighter fuel specifications will bring together automobile man..