Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Wanted: Future leaders

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

The hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) has known for some time that a great shift change is eminent. The experienced engineers, chemists and crafts hired in the 1970s and 1980s are reaching retirem..

HP Petrochemicals: PVC process gets technology and control updates

World Oil: McGinn, S.

KBR has formed an alliance to sell the exclusive license for JNC Corp.’s PVC process technology, which it inherited from CHISSO Corp.’s business, a pioneer in the Japanese chemical industry.

HP Project Management: Case history: Hurdles in dismantling a vintage ammonia plant

Engro Fertilizers: Ahmed, Z.

Dismantling an ammonia plant is a daunting task under any circumstances. It is even more problematic when the facility is located in a remote place such as central Pakistan and managed by local contra..

HP Reliability: Consider technology-based specialized industrial services

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Most downstream professions have heard of (or personally experienced) glitches in activities involving offshoring and outsourcing. Too often, some maintenance and purchasing agents travel the “go..

HP Viewpoint: Improve safety and performance: Abnormal Situation Management Consortium celebrates 20 years

Abnormal Situation Management Consortium: Williams, T.

This October and November represent two milestones in the process industries. The first is unfortunate: Twenty-five years ago, on October 23, 1989, a major polyethylene plant on the Houston Ship Chann..

HP Industry Perspectives: More waves for marine fuels

The outlook for heavy fuel oil is not optimistic. New fuel specifications for marine bunker fuels under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI regula..

HP Innovations

Ion Science tightens focus on petchemsIn a strategic move designed to boost market share and competitive edge, Ion Science, a global manufacturer of gas, leak and corrosion monitoring instrumentation,..

Challenges for process data and control systems

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

Process data converted into information becomes knowledge for HPI companies. With such knowledge or insight, HPI companies can effectively protect their assets and strengthen their position with the m..

Hydrogen perspectives for 21st century refineries

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.: Farnand, S.  |  Li, J.
Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology: Ratan, S.

As refining market trends continue to support increased demand for H2, its availability and cost are critical for many refiners, creating a tough environment for securing reliable, efficient and environmentally-friendly H2.

Improve refining of tight oil via enhanced fluid catalytic cracking catalysts

Crude oils from tight formations are relatively light, low in concarbon, and contain different contaminants. They have high naphtha and distillate yields, lower vacuum gasoil (VGO) content and almost ..