Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


How to support condition monitoring with wireless instrumentation networks

Emerson: Cureton, A.

When <i>Wireless</i>HART first hit the market in 2008, most of the native devices using it were process measurement instruments.

Reliability: What to do when equipment reliability is on a downward slope

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

When a reliability professional located halfway around the world asked for guidance on how to reverse declining equipment reliability at his world-scale fertilizer plant, we answered.

Editorial Comment: Optimizing operations by advancing process controls, instrumentation and automation technologies

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

When driving by or visiting a refinery or petrochemical plant, one cannot help but gaze at the expansive sea of metal towers.

Improving process pumps requires technical and managerial action

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

For many years, manufacturers have emphasized low price over high reliability.

Extracting business value from digitalization in oil and gas

Petasense: Bradley, D.

Most oil and gas companies are investing in digitalization; however, they often fail to move beyond proof of value (PoV) or pilot projects.

Engineering Case Histories: Case 110: A checklist for vibration analysis

Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

Periodically, I receive questions from engineers around the world on why a piece of critical machinery is vibrating excessively.

Hydrocarbon Processing 2020 Awards WINNERS

<i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i>, the downstream processing sector’s leading technical publication, has announced the winners for its third annual awards.

How valve upgrades can improve tank and terminal facility operations

Emerson: Leavitt, D.  |  Arroyo, M.

Tank and terminal facility profitability ultimately rests on a handful of key performance indicators (KPIs). The ability to maximize tank capacity utilization—while minimizing the time it takes to load and unload ships, trucks and rail cars—drives the bottom line. All those transfers must happen quickly and accurately, while avoiding product contamination.

Hydrocarbon Processing Awards 2020—FINALISTS

This special section details all finalists within each category for the fourth annual <ital>HP</ital> Awards. The winners will be announced on Oct. 1.

Causes of reduced or stopped flow in controlled-volume pumps

Saudi Aramco: Badughaish , M.  |  Al-Dhafiri, A.

Controlled-volume (CV) pumps, also known as metering or dosing pumps, are designed to deliver a small quantity of fluid at a precise rate with relatively high pressure.