Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Investigate power limitations in a large steam turbine

Fluor Canada Ltd.: Ghaisas, N.

An investigation was carried out to rectify power limitations for a steam-turbine driver of a cracked-gas compressor (CGC) in a world-class ethylene plant.DescriptionThe turbine is a nine-stage, impul..

Prevent methane hydrate formation in natural gas valves

GE Oil & Gas: Glaun, A.  |  Shahda, J.

The discussion here focuses on the thermodynamics involved and on the requirements for a successful natural gas valve application in which the incidences of hydrate formation and icing of the valve are reduced.

Consider both actual and virtual spare parts inventory

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Globally, hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) facilities operate hundreds of thousands of fluid machinery assets. The various service-specific internal components of these assets are supported by ma..

HP Innovations: Innovations

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Blume, Adrienne

Membrane element improves gas processingUOP's new Separex Flux+ membrane element is designed to increase natural gas processing capacity, compared with existing technology, allowing producers to captu..

Overflow systems are the last line of defense

Engrowth Training: Toghraei, M.

The overflow system is the last line of defense against the excessive container filling. An overflow system consists of an overflow nozzle with internal and/or external piping and, in some cases, a si..

Improve coker efficiency with reliable valve automation

Calabrian Corp.: Deters, B.
Emerson Process Management: Wolkart, R.

The case history discusses conditions occurring in delayed coker operations at two refineries in Louisiana, the impacts on valve performance, and a solution that offers extended life, better reliability and other benefits.

Take a quicker approach to staggered blowdown

WorleyParsons: Khan, M. S.

The design of a reliable blowdown system for a large sour gas-processing facility is one of the most important aspects of plant design. Safe design is vital for facility operation. With the developmen..

HP Reliability: Fact-checking list from recent reliability conferences

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Whenever HP editors attend technical conferences, their primary goals include observing industry practices, finding facts and spotting trends. Fact or fictionUnfortunately, presenters sometimes relate..

Corrosion under insulation is a hidden problem

The Sherwin-Williams Co.: Hanratty, T.

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is one of the costliest avoidable problems facing the hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) today. CUI afflicts refineries—specifically, the steel piping, storage..

HP Innovations: Innovations

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Blume, Adrienne

UK firm patents mid-scale LNG technologyGasconsult Ltd. has announced the award of a patent for its new ZR-LNG liquefaction process. ZR-LNG has best-in-class energy efficiency for mid-scale liquefied ..