Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Benefits of using a master station for actuator supervision and control in metering skids

AUMA: Loth, S.

Valve automation in metering skids for the oil and gas industry is a challenging task.


Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

H2scan has released its latest product in the HY-OPTIMA™ line of sensors.

Search for advanced technique of desalter control—TON control for interface level

Nayara Energy Ltd.: Mandal, K. K.

While it may seem like a simple vessel, the desalter is a critical section in a crude distillation unit.

Modular reed valve technology for reciprocating compressors

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Hydrocarbon processing plants use reciprocating compressors for process gases in a certain flow and differential pressure range, and double-acting cylinder-piston arrangements are almost always involved.

Executive Viewpoint: How digital transformation improves safety and reduces emissions

Global Refining and Chemical Programs: Carugo, M.

Digital transformation is a strategy for improving performance by applying technologies for measurement, connectivity, data storage, analytics and visualization

High-frequency acoustic excitation—Part 1

Process Consultant: Datta, A. K.

Failure of a piping section at the outlet of pressure safety valves (PSVs) and control valves—where significant differential pressure exists (particularly in gas processing industries)—is a common problem in industries.

Stress qualifications for standard and nonstandard valves in piping systems

Various types of valves are used in refineries, petrochemical plants, fertilizer plants and utilities.

Advances in compressor anti-surge valve design enhance reliability and performance

Flowserve Corp.: Haines, B.  |  Nelson, M. P.

Centrifugal and axial compressors are some of the most critical components used within a process plant to handle gases.

Editorial Comment: Optimizing operations by advancing process controls, instrumentation and automation technologies

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

When driving by or visiting a refinery or petrochemical plant, one cannot help but gaze at the expansive sea of metal towers.

Engineering Case Histories: Case 110: A checklist for vibration analysis

Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

Periodically, I receive questions from engineers around the world on why a piece of critical machinery is vibrating excessively.