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Largest US refinery restarts production after Harvey

HOUSTON (Reuters) — The largest US refinery was restarting production on Monday for the first time since being shut nearly two weeks ago by Hurricane Harvey, said sources familiar with plant operations.

EIA: Hurricane Harvey caused US Gulf Coast refinery runs to drop, gasoline prices to rise

Hurricane Harvey caused substantial disruptions to crude oil and petroleum product supply chains and increased petroleum product prices. For the week ending Sept. 1, gross inputs to refineries in the US Gulf Coast fell by 3.2 MMbpd, or 34%, from the previous week, the largest drop since Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in 2008.

Industry Metrics

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

US margins recorded solid gains as crack spreads for all products increased due to healthy domestic demand.

Business Trends: The state of the global refining sector

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Over the past few years, the world has witnessed significant downstream capacity growth in all sectors of the hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI).

Industry Perspectives: Emerging trends in the global refining industry

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

<i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i>’s Construction Boxscore Database is tracking nearly 700 refining projects around the world.

Global: The slow closing of Africa’s refining technology gap

Contributing Editor: Oirere, S.

Technology gaps in the crude oil refining sector of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are making it difficult for crude oil processing plants to achieve energy efficiency, produce high-quality products or adhere to international carbon emissions requirements.

Refining: Use of Alloy 400 for hydrofluoric acid corrosion in a refinery alkylation unit

Alkylation units can be based on sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid as a catalyst.

Editorial Comment: Is the refining market oversupplied, or is the capacity needed?

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Over the past two years, the editorial comment in our September issue has focused on the topic of overcapacity in the global refining sector.

Upgrade the ALARP model as a holistic approach to project risk and decision management

University of Salerno: Benintendi, R.  |  De Mare, G.

The ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) model was developed by the UK Health and Safety Executive to establish and justify risk acceptability limits.

Dividing wall column applications in FCC naphtha splitter columns

GTC Technology US, LLC: Bhargava, M.  |  Kalita, R.  |  Gentry, J. C.

Dividing wall column (DWC) technology is becoming more widely accepted throughout the process industries as a means to increase efficiency and reduce capital and energy costs.