Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Impact plant performance by improving the steam system

TLV Corp.: Walter, J. P.

Petrochemical plants and refineries face production and profitability challenges on multiple fronts.

Using ANN modeling to predict the melt flow index in real time

Reliance Industries Ltd.: Chakrabarti, N. C.  |  R. Sinha

Controlling polymer quality during manufacturing is a significant challenge due to the cost, maintenance and reliability of online measurements of final product quality.

The phosphorus trap is renewed

Haldor Topsoe: Robledo, S. A.

One of today’s hottest industry topics is renewable fuels.

Establish the maximum allowable pressure drop across the catalyst bed structure in a hydrocracker

Saudi Aramco: Kittur, A.

The reaction section of a hydrocracker unit has three reactors configured in two stages.

Choosing an FCCU CO promoter is no longer driven by NOx emissions

Fluidized catalytic cracking units (FCCUs) form coke during the reaction that combusts in the regenerator and supplies heat for the process.

Digital: Digital twin for refinery production optimization

Repsol: Garcia, C. A.

Digitalization is fundamental to Repsol’s strategy for the future.

Process Controls, Instrumentation and Automation: Why it is time to move on from the thermowell

Thermowells are widely used in industrial applications for measuring temperature; however, with new, high-accuracy, non-invasive alternatives available, it is time to move on from thermowells and embrace more innovative measurement techniques.

Editorial Comment: In pursuit of operational excellence: A thank you from Hydrocarbon Processing

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

In late September, <i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i> hosted the International Refining and Petrochemical Conference (IRPC).

Business Trends: Battle of the biofuels: Renewable diesel vs. biodiesel

Opportune LLP: O'Brien, P.

As new low-carbon diesel fuels and blends become more readily available, it is important to understand the differences between them and how each impacts engine performance.

Industry Perspectives

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

As detailed in the Editorial Comment of the October issue of <i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i>, the nominees for the 2021 Top Projects Awards have been announced, with voting ongoing at HydrocarbonProcessing.com.