Business Trends: Tier 3 gasoline production: Challenges and opportunities for refiners
One of the biggest challenges to the crude oil refining industry over the past decades is the development of technologies capable of reducing the environmental impact of crude oil derivatives, while also raising their performance.
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The Authors
Da Silva, M. W. - Petrobras, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Marcio Wagner Da Silva is a Process Engineer and Stockpiling Manager at Petrobras. He has extensive experience in research, design and construction in the oil and gas industry, including developing and coordinating projects for operational improvements and debottlenecking bottom-barrel units. Dr. Silva earned a Bch degree in chemical engineering from the University of Maringa, Brazil, and a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. In addition, he earned an MBA degree in project management from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and in digital transformation at PUC/RS, and is certified in business from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation.
Hoekstra, G. - Hoekstra Trading, Chicago, Illinois
George Hoekstra is President of Hoekstra Trading LLC, which conducts multi-client research projects on topics with high profit impacts in the refining business, including pilot plant testing, field testing and market research. Hoekstra Trading is the only company that does multi-client independent catalyst testing programs on refining catalysts. Prior to founding Hoekstra Trading, he worked 35 yr for Amoco and bp in refinery process research and technology management. He earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from Purdue University, and an MBA degree from the University of Chicago.
Murphy, T. - Valuation Risk & Strategy LLC, Syracuse, New York
Thomas Murphy is CEO of Valuation Risk & Strategy LLC, an interdisciplinary consulting firm established in 1995 to measure the value and assess the risk embedded in alternative technologies and chemical processes for energy and energy-intensive industries. Prior to this role, he was a research chemical engineer with the DuPont Company. An expert in derivatives and complex financial models, Dr. Murphy’s experience includes 11 yr of hands-on experience in chemical process engineering and production management. He earned a BS degree in chemical engineering (with distinction) from Clarkson University, a PhD in quantitative finance and a JD degree in technology management law at Syracuse University.
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