Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Process Control

Selection of cooling water system for gas, petroleum and petrochemical plants located on coastline - Part 1

Namvaran P&T: Safamirzaei, M.

Cooling water systems play an important role in today’s industry.

Digital: Digitalization—Why now?

KBC, a Yokogawa Company: Micklem, D.

The process industries are under threat.

Understand net gas compressor control logic from a process engineering standpoint

GS Engineering and Construction: Hong, R.  |  Chang, G. S.

In a refinery or petrochemical plant, certain equipment can create “gray areas” between process engineers and instrument engineers.

How did asset utilization modeling save Sadara $1 B in capital cost?

Sadara Chemical Co.: Hayek, F.  |  Moran, M.

Sadara is a JV between Saudi Aramco and Dow Chemical.

Digital: Three steps to implement a 21st-century disaster recovery plan

Allegro Development Corp.: Cox, E.

In the wake of Hurricane Florence, businesses across the US had another reminder of how unpredictable and unavoidable disasters are when they strike.

Viewpoint: Shifting safety from cost to value for oil and gas companies

Schneider Electric: Elliott, S.

In today’s business and regulatory environment, controlling a refinery or other high-hazard processing plant is increasingly demanding.

Retrospective: Then and now— Looking toward the future

OSIsoft: Kennedy, J. P.

In 1982, I wrote an article called “Using process computers as robots for refining operations,” which was published in the May issue of <i>Hydrocarbon Processing.</i>

AI: How AI and machine learning benefit refineries and petrochemical plants

AX Control: Welsh, T.

Embedding machines with artificial intelligence (AI) allows them to learn from their past experiences.

USB threat vector trends and implications for industrial operators

Honeywell: Knapp, E.

These are interesting times for universal serial bus (USB) security.

Supply Chain: Preparing for digital downstream supply chain capabilities

Opportune LLP: Landrum, K.

Several major downstream companies have recently embarked upon large-scale digital transformations with anticipated capital spending tallying in the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars.