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Business Trends: Global petrochemical overview—Part 2

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Part 1 of this series provided an overview on the present state of the petrochemical industry, a breakdown on construction project numbers by region, as well as major trends in Africa, the Middle East and the US. Part 2 examines the landscape in Asia-Pacific, Canada, Europe and Latin America.

Industry Metrics

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

US refinery margins recovered as product markets were supported by strong domestic gasoline demand and temporarily tight sentiment fueled by the switch to summer-grade gasoline.


Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Andrew, Bob

Planned shutdowns, turnarounds and outages (STOs) are often scheduled for preventive maintenance and new equipment installation that must be performed to keep a plant running and in regulatory compliance.

Petrochemical value chain analysis reveals downstream opportunities for Qatar

Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC): Elgozali, A.

The existing petrochemical value chains in Qatar are analyzed in this article to identify the potential downstream industry opportunities.

Small-scale coal-to-chemicals can revitalize India’s petrochemicals industry, economy—Part 1

TATA Consulting Engineers Ltd.: Paluskar, P. V.  |  Sakthivel, S.  |  Marve, M.

Contemporary routes to the production of polymers usually involve setting up world-scale ethylene crackers with typical capacities of 0.7 MMtpy–1.5 MMtpy.

Strategic assessment of the Iranian petrochemical industry

Nexant: Spiers, A.
Nexant Energy and Chemicals Advisory: FaÍsca, N.

The recent agreement between Iran and the international community represents clear opportunities and challenges for petrochemical producers.

Business Trends: Global petrochemical overview—Part 1

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

This series examines the global petrochemical landscape, new project developments and regional outlooks.

Central American nations beef up import infrastructure, fuel production amid demand shift

Contributing Writer: Nogarin, M.
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

   Methanex’s methanol facility in Trinidad.

Editorial Comment: Corrosion prevention is a necessary cost

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Blume, Adrienne

Corrosion is a major maintenance and reliability concern because it has the potential to impact not only plant operations and costs, but also the environment and worker health and safety.

Project Management: Protect operating margins with outsourced asset management

The oil and gas sector is under pressure to maintain operating margins. Although oil prices have stabilized in recent months, they have, nonetheless, fallen dramatically in the last year. This has bee..