Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Global diesel prices likely to weaken in 2014 with startup of Jubail refinery

In product markets, the new refinery will add to the supply of clean diesel in Saudi Arabia and Europe -- markets typically supplied by India. Since Indian refiners export diesel to so many markets, the appearance of this competing supply source may have bearish consequences for global diesel prices.

Evaluate challenges in meeting clean-fuel specifications with heavier crude

Saudi Aramco: Al-Zahrani, S.  |  Bright, E.  |  Roy, S.

At a Saudi Aramco refinery, a revamp was planned for processing a different crude oil blend to meet Euro 5 diesel and gasoline specifications. The refinery, which processes semi-light crude oil, is sc..

Chevron recovers less oil than first expected from Utah diesel pipeline leak

Chevron is dealing with the fallout of the March 18 leak, which resulted in 600 bbl of diesel from its refinery in Salt Lake City spilling into marshes close to a freshwater lake in Willard Bay State Park. The company has to date recovered 354 bbl, down from the 500 bbl it said it had collected Friday.

US lawmakers scrutinize role of ethanol credits in gasoline price spike

The price of credits used by refiners to meet federal ethanol blending requirements has risen more than 1,000% in recent weeks. The heightened volatility in this normally sleepy market has raised concerns that it is a factor in the recent rise in the price of gasoline.

FedEx truck fleets to shift to natural gas from diesel

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, CEO Frederick W. Smith said he expects between 5% and 30% of US long-distance trucking to be fueled by compressed or liquefied natural gas over 10 years, as the cost of the trucks declines and fueling stations become more common.

Improve benzene control

Applied Instrument Technologies, Inc.: McDermott, L.
Phillips 66: Malik, A.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the Mobile Source Toxics (MSAT) Rule on February 26, 2007 (40 CFR Parts 59, 80, 85 and 86). This rule required refiners to reduce the average benzen..

HP Boxscore Construction Analysis: Saudi Arabia’s plan for near-zero-sulfur fuels

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

To comply with mandatory sulfur specifications for gasoline and diesel from 2013 to 2016, Saudi Arabia is spending billions of dollars to construct multiple clean-fuel projects.

HP Viewpoint: Refiners have a new learning curve with shale oil

Baker Hughes: Marfone, P. A.

We’ve all heard the news reports: “Shale resource developments have the potential to make the US energy independent for the first time since 1952.” The long-term impact of shale resourc..

HP Brief: Brief

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Thinnes, Billy

Galveston Bay refineryMarathon Petroleum has closed its transaction with BP to purchase several assets, including the 451,000-bpd refinery located in Texas City, Texas. The refinery will be renamed an..

HP Industry Perspectives: EU leans forward on clean-fuel strategies

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

In late January 2013, the European Commission (EC) announced ambitious measures to ensure the buildup and standardization of alternative fueling stations across Europe. Much of the earlier EC policy i..