Wright, Tim L.
HPIn Europe: Industry grapples with downshift as its greatest structural change looms
With all the handwringing over downstream losses for the end of 2009, it's been interesting to note the absence of what is often the first barricade that a CEO will duck behind. Apparently, this bad n..
HPIn Europe: Forget dieselization of the marine fleet, what about gas?
Forget smoke-and-mirrors fuel cell engine that exudes only water vapor, a German company has developed one that emits substantial amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), and this may be a very good thing. I..
HPIn Europe: Duh! Business as usual will not be good for the HPI
Where the common ground between my best friends in engineering and I becomes a parkland with fireworks is when we share the "aha moments." I suspect it's from that curious, excited child in my friends..
HPIn Europe: Forecast for Europe: Bankers get richer as old refiners fade away
It may have been the banking industry that paved the way into the present global downturn. But it is European refineries that will be shutting up shop, and there's no government rescue waiting in the ..
HPIn Europe: NOC megaprojects, not climate policies, will be closing your local refiner
Some 800,000 bpd (800 Mbpd) of refinery expansion capacity, which faded and disappeared from the radar of the OECD's energy forecasts last year, is now back. There was quite a fanfare over capacity re..
HPIn Europe: Refiners' great plans look badly awry in 2009
In September 2004, with anticipation of that year's European Refining Technology Conference, I summoned up an image of a ring of refining VPs around the Atlantic basin looking at billion-dollar invest..
Costly flawed paradigm means 'shaking up' molecules
Because there's no such thing as throwing things "away," it's time to get out the white coats and do some serious chemistry. We need to use hydrocarbon molecules in a completely different way. Also, w..
HP Control: Glut of stored distillate infers betting on EU's diesel
Just outside the archipelago here, the Danish shipping operator, Maersk, has applied for permission to conduct ship-to-ship transfers to and from large crude carriers at anchor. There's a lot more of ..
HPIn Europe: The future is big; the future is east
Refining margins have been off badly in the first half of 2009. In Europe, a couple of simpler refiners have, at least temporarily, taken their ball home. Is this just the way Europe weathers a recess..
HPIn Europe: Sacrificed to the money system: engineering workforce
Because of the shortage of an artificial commodity known as money, people who produce a real commodity known as oil will shortly be losing their livelihoods and, quite possibly, their homes. We're use..

- S-Oil's $7-B Shaheen petrochemical complex is on track for 1H 2026 start 2/17
- SBM Offshore awarded a study by Petrobras for FPSO CO2 carbon capture solution 2/17
- Drone strike hits Chevron, Exxon oil exports via Russia 2/17
- Marine fuel sales at top bunker hub Singapore log soft start to 2025 2/17
- Toyo-Malaysia secures OSBL project to support SAF production facility at Pengerang, Johor, Malaysia 2/14
- TOYO awarded licensing and equipment supply contract for the first ever urea fertilizer plant in Angola 2/14