For organizations to secure their operations and reduce cyber threats, a successful cybersecurity strategy requires solutions to secure endpoints—any device that is connected to a network outside of its firewall, including laptops, human-machine interfaces (HMIs), switches, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and more.
Real-time monitoring of creep damage for fired equipment tubes, employing advanced web platforms
Within the petrochemical industry, fired heater tubes and boilers experience high tube metal temperatures (TMTs) for extended periods of time.
Variable-speed pumps and minimum flow control valves: Design and implementation
Within hydrocarbon storage terminals, product pumps are the most vital rotating equipment for terminal operations and maintenance.
Business Trends: Optimize pump systems to save electrical energy
Given the global rise in energy costs, there has never been a better time to review and assess the efficiency of pumping systems—whatever their size, complexity or sphere of operation.
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery: Calculate flowrate through valves, fittings and pipe under a laminar flow regime
Calculating flowrate through long, straight pipe under laminar flow regime is easy using standard equations of fluid mechanics.
Design, operation and troubleshooting of sulfur-handling plants: Challenges and practices
The transportation of large quantities of liquid sulfur is costly and often impractical since it requires a continuous supply of heat energy to maintain its liquid form.
Control valves for carbon sequestration applications
Greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction projects have become a focus for many nations around the world—carbon capture technologies are a way to reduce the release of carbon into the atmosphere and help contribute to meeting emissions targets.
The effect of viscosity on centrifugal pumps and predicting performance for different fluids
Centrifugal pumps are used for a wide range of applications and services in the refining industry. In today’s dynamic scenario, changes in pumped fluid characteristics are common, especially for transfer/loading pumps.
Liquid applications for ASME Section I service
Extensive guidance is available for relief protection of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (B&PVC) Section VIII process equipment for scores of applications, such as run-away reactions, distillation and heat exchangers. Sources include ASME, American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS), among others.
Endress+Hauser’s newly developed iTEMP TMT31 temperature transmitter (FIG. 1) for analog 4-20mA signals is characterized by its long-term stability, high accuracy and ease of use for reliable temperature measurement.

- Guyana, Dominican Republic discuss possible refinery and petrochemical plant construction 2/18
- CITGO launches strategic brand licensing program as part of fuels business 2/18
- Consumption of renewable diesel continues general growth trend on the U.S. West Coast 2/18
- Turkey’s top refiner Tupras stops Russian crude purchases after sanctions 2/18
- Brazil to keep mandatory biodiesel blend at 14% 2/18
- Russia's government may allow gasoline exports until end of August 2/18