Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Process Optimization

Process engineering, optimization and advanced process control

APC Performance LLC: Kern, A.

A recent <i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i> “Industry Perspectives” survey found that process engineering and optimization is the number-one topic that readers want to read about most. Process engineering and optimization rated higher than the next-highest topic (maintenance and reliability) by a factor of 2:1, and higher than every other topic by a factor of at least 4:1. Process control and instrumentation made the top ten list, albeit below process engineering and optimization by a factor of 7:1.

The future of digital transformation and smart manufacturing

Saudi Aramco: Abualsoud, Y.  |  Buhulaiga, E. A.

In today’s challenging oil and gas operations, it is vital to have a robust operating system that supports each facility’s goal of operational excellence (OE). Digital transformation and smart manufacturing are being implemented by Saudi Aramco as a coined umbrella term: integrated manufacturing operations management system (imoms).

Cybersecurity: Crucial defenses for critical infrastructures

NCC Group: Small, D.

A colleague of mine once suggested to a chemical plant operator that it was a good idea to apply patches to Windows-based supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) servers as soon as they become available every month—after all, a lot of them fix security vulnerabilities.

Energy savings opportunities in unifining, CCR and benzene removal units

Tüpraş: Kahraman, K

Opportunities are always available to decrease energy consumption in process units.

Accurate prediction of phase equilibrium properties—Part 1

Independent Researcher/Inventor: Katyal, A.

Phase equilibrium properties, such as bubble-point, hydrocarbon dewpoint, water dewpoint, phase envelope, two-phase compositions, compressibility factor, hydrate equilibrium properties, etc., for hydrocarbon mixtures have been calculated accurately using the Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state by implementing constant and temperature-dependent binary interaction parameters in the Van der Waals mixing rule.

A dynamic 1D model for accelerated reactor cooling

Aggreko Process Services EMEA: Capra, M.

Refinery hydrofining units must undergo planned and emergency shutdowns for catalyst changeover.

Opportunity crudes and refinery challenges during hydrocracking operations—Part 2

Refineries worldwide often face practical challenges and operating issues when processing opportunity crude oils to maximize profit margins.

Use new oxidation technologies to achieve “near-zero” emissions of NOx and VOCs

Selas-Linde North America: Armstrong, P.  |  Predatsch, E.

HPInnovative solutions assist hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) facilities in meeting present and ever-changing air emissions regulations and strict operating permits.

Industry Perspectives—Two events: One to honor, one to learn

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

In this issue, the finalists for <i>Hydrocarbon Processing’</i>s third annual <i>HP</i> Awards are detailed.

Executive Viewpoint: Using low-code digitalization to optimize workflow in the oil and gas industry

McDermott: Villarreal, R.

For more than a century, customers have relied on companies such as ours to deliver superior end-to-end solutions to transport and transform oil and gas into the products our global economy needs.