Process Optimization
Process engineering, optimization and advanced process control
A recent <i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i> “Industry Perspectives” survey found that process engineering and optimization is the number-one topic that readers want to read about most. Process engineering and optimization rated higher than the next-highest topic (maintenance and reliability) by a factor of 2:1, and higher than every other topic by a factor of at least 4:1. Process control and instrumentation made the top ten list, albeit below process engineering and optimization by a factor of 7:1.
The future of digital transformation and smart manufacturing
In today’s challenging oil and gas operations, it is vital to have a robust operating system that supports each facility’s goal of operational excellence (OE). Digital transformation and smart manufacturing are being implemented by Saudi Aramco as a coined umbrella term: integrated manufacturing operations management system (imoms).
Cybersecurity: Crucial defenses for critical infrastructures
A colleague of mine once suggested to a chemical plant operator that it was a good idea to apply patches to Windows-based supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) servers as soon as they become available every month—after all, a lot of them fix security vulnerabilities.
Energy savings opportunities in unifining, CCR and benzene removal units
Opportunities are always available to decrease energy consumption in process units.
Accurate prediction of phase equilibrium properties—Part 1
Phase equilibrium properties, such as bubble-point, hydrocarbon dewpoint, water dewpoint, phase envelope, two-phase compositions, compressibility factor, hydrate equilibrium properties, etc., for hydrocarbon mixtures have been calculated accurately using the Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state by implementing constant and temperature-dependent binary interaction parameters in the Van der Waals mixing rule.
A dynamic 1D model for accelerated reactor cooling
Refinery hydrofining units must undergo planned and emergency shutdowns for catalyst changeover.
Opportunity crudes and refinery challenges during hydrocracking operations—Part 2
Refineries worldwide often face practical challenges and operating issues when processing opportunity crude oils to maximize profit margins.
Use new oxidation technologies to achieve “near-zero” emissions of NOx and VOCs
HPInnovative solutions assist hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) facilities in meeting present and ever-changing air emissions regulations and strict operating permits.
Industry Perspectives—Two events: One to honor, one to learn
In this issue, the finalists for <i>Hydrocarbon Processing’</i>s third annual <i>HP</i> Awards are detailed.
Executive Viewpoint: Using low-code digitalization to optimize workflow in the oil and gas industry
For more than a century, customers have relied on companies such as ours to deliver superior end-to-end solutions to transport and transform oil and gas into the products our global economy needs.

- Russia's idle oil refining capacity estimated up 50% in March from previous plan 3/12
- Guyana considers plan to refine oil in US, import fuel 3/12
- Bolivia issues incentives to import fuel, help private sector meet shortages 3/12
- Horisont has signed non-binding ammonia offtake term sheet for the Barents Blue project 3/12
- Metacon via Pherousa receives initial AiP from ABS and DNV for ammonia cracking 3/12
- Green Science Alliance makes bio-based biodegradable lubricant from waste cooking oil and plant-based ingredients 3/12