King, M. J.
Improve your choice of process control algorithms
Process Control
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This algorithm, when properly tuned, can greatly reduce the quantity of off-spec material made from a process upset. It can be the largest contributor to the benefits captured by improved process control.
Why don’t we properly train control engineers?
Process Control
/ Process Optimization
/ Americas
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/ Engineering & Design
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/ Information Systems
/ Middle East
While there are managers in the process industry that see training control engineers as a “no-brainer,” these are very much in the minority. They may send staff on courses covering configura..
Are you losing money when tuning controllers?
Process Control
/ Process Optimization
/ Americas
/ Asia/Pacific
/ Economics
/ Engineering & Design
/ Europe
/ Middle East
Here are 10 rules, if followed, that will result in poor process performance
How to lose money with inferential properties
Fourteen more rules that, if followed, will ensure that advanced control will drive the unit further away from optimum operation
How to lose money with basic controls
Follow these 21 rules to ensure that many opportunities to minimize process disturbances will be completely overlooked
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Construction Boxscore: Project Spotlight
Long Son Petrochemicals Complex
Long Son, Vietnam
Siam Cement Group
$5.4 B
1.65 MMtpy
Completion date:
Under Construction