Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Turbomachinery: Increase rotating equipment uptime with laser shaft alignment

Nexxis: Silveira, J. D.

The cost of failing to properly align shafts or belts on rotating machinery adds up to more than the need to physically fix damaged machinery.

Editorial Comment: IRPC EurAsia—A roadmap to advancing ideas

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

According to the editors of <i>Hydrocarbon Processing,</i> the downstream processing industry will witness substantial growth in new refining, petrochemical and gas processing/LNG capacities over the next several years.


Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

Claroty has made several significant enhancements to its Continuous Threat Detection product.

Industry Metrics

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

US markets weakened despite positive performance at the middle of the barrel due to considerable gasoil and jet/kero inventory drawdowns.

Industry Perspectives: What challenges will 2019 bring to the global HPI?

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

In the December 2018 issue of <i>Hydrocarbon Processing,</i> we detailed our editorial opinion on the most likely route that shippers will take to adhere to new International Maritime Organization (IMO) sulfur regulations.

Extended vapor cloud analysis methodology—Part 2

PEMY Consulting: Myers, P. E.  |  Trotter, B.

The Buncefield explosion in the UK was the worst post-World War 2 fire/explosion incident.

USB threat vector trends and implications for industrial operators

Honeywell: Knapp, E.

These are interesting times for universal serial bus (USB) security.

Lessons learned from a refinery revamp project

WorleyParsons: Khan, M. S.

Revamp projects are inherently challenging due to the numerous constraints imposed by existing equipment design and space limitations.

Analysis of semi-solid “shoe polish” material in a refinery TGTU

Nexo Solutions: Engel, D.

Amine units, and to a lesser extent tail gas treating units (TGTUs), experience occasional “shoe polish” sludge contamination.

Improving resource efficiency of industrial processes with TOP-REF methodology—Part 1

TU Dortmund University: Radatz, H.  |  Schembecker, G.
The CoSMo Company SAS: Raffray, G.  |  Sellis, D.
Fundación Tecnalia Research and Innovation: Boto, F.  |  Echeverria, Z.
Fundación CIRCE—Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos: Carrion, A.  |  Herce, C.  |  Oto, F.
University of Zaragoza: Gil, A.
DOW Chemical Co.: Arias, A.  |  Borrego, R.
Fertinagro Nutrientes S.L.: Romero, J.
Petróleos de Portugal: Jacinto, J. T.

The processing industry consumes significant amounts of resources, such as materials and energy, to produce valuable goods for society.