Improving resource efficiency of industrial processes with the TOP-REF methodology—Part 2
The European TOP-REF research consortium has developed and applied a methodology to improve the resource efficiency of industrial production processes.
Welded plate heat exchangers cut refinery process costs—Part 1
Plate and frame (P&F) heat exchangers were first manufactured 100 yr ago for use in the dairy industry.
AI: How AI and machine learning benefit refineries and petrochemical plants
Embedding machines with artificial intelligence (AI) allows them to learn from their past experiences.
Editorial Comment: IRPC EurAsia—A roadmap to advancing ideas
According to the editors of <i>Hydrocarbon Processing,</i> the downstream processing industry will witness substantial growth in new refining, petrochemical and gas processing/LNG capacities over the next several years.
Steve Elliott, Senior Director of Marketing, Schneider Electric, explained how Triconex safety solutions can help to actively manage the profitability of process operations at Triconex’s User Group event.
Extended vapor cloud analysis methodology—Part 2
The Buncefield explosion in the UK was the worst post-World War 2 fire/explosion incident.
Improving resource efficiency of industrial processes with TOP-REF methodology—Part 1
The processing industry consumes significant amounts of resources, such as materials and energy, to produce valuable goods for society.
Details on high-impact refining and petrochemical projects presently under construction, as chosen by HP editors and readers
The global hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) continues to expand and modernize to efficiently meet growing demand for energy, transportation fuels and petrochemicals.
Industry Perspectives: IMO 2020—What is your say?
In 2020, new International Maritime Organization (IMO) marine fuel regulations will go into effect.
Editorial Comment: HPI spending in 2019 forecast at $375 B
Regulations, feedstock advantages, supply/demand gaps, etc., are resulting in a surge of new capital investments around the world.
- Avina Clean Hydrogen completes FEED for 800,000-tpy clean ammonia facility (U.S.) 1/13
- INEOS closes last remaining synthetic ethanol plant in the UK 1/13
- Montana Renewables announces closing of $1.44-B U.S. DOE loan for renewable fuels and biomass energy facility 1/13
- USA BioEnergy secures land for $2.8-B SAF plant in East Texas (U.S.) 1/13
- Vioneo to use Honeywell UOP's methanol-to-olefins technology for Antwerp plant 1/13
- Solvay and Hankook sign Memorandum of Understanding for circular silica 1/13