Specifying internals in sour water strippers—Part 1
A sour water stripper (SWS) system is a common process in petroleum refineries and other processes where hydrogen sulfide is present.
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The Authors
McIntush, K. - Trimeric Corp., Buda, Texas
Ken McIntush, P.E., is a practicing chemical engineer and President of Trimeric Corp. He has about 30 yr of varied process engineering experience serving clients in many different industries, including oil refining and upstream oil and gas. Mr. McIntush’s responsibilities include technology screening studies, troubleshooting, debottlenecking and other projects. He earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.
Farone, J. P. - Trimeric Corp., Buda, Texas
John P. Farone is a Distillation Consultant with Trimeric Corp. in Buda, Texas. He has more than 50 yr of experience in industry in separations and mass transfer, particularly in the areas of distillation, stripping and absorption. This includes experience with simulation, design, functional specification, detailed specification, fabrication, installation, inspection, startup, operation and troubleshooting. He earned a BS degree in chemical engineering and an MS degree in chemical engineering from The University of Florida.
Piggott, B. D. - Trimeric Corp., Buda, Texas
Brad Piggott is a Senior Engineer at Trimeric Corporation in Buda, Texas. He has more than 18 yr of experience in process engineering for several different industries, including oil refining and upstream oil and gas. Mr. Piggott has deep expertise with acid gas processes and acid gas systems. He is a licensed engineer in Texas and Mississippi and earned a BS in chemical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines.
Beitler, C. M. - Trimeric Corp., Buda, Texas
Carrie Beitler is a Senior Engineer at Trimeric Corp. in Buda, Texas. Over the past 28 yr, Ms. Beitler has performed and developed great expertise in process engineering, process modeling and optimization of unit operations in the natural gas, petroleum refining and CO2 processing areas. She also specializes in the development of process design packages for the fabrication of open-art technology, such as caustic scrubbers, acid gas injection units, glycol dehydrators and amine treaters. She earned a BS in chemical engineering from Purdue University.
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