Equipment critical analysis: The need for an effective maintenance program
Oil refineries and large petrochemical plants contain thousands of pieces of process and utilities equipment that are subject to wear, erosion, deterioration, aging, etc., resulting in increasing breakdowns and outages. Imagine being a maintenance engineer and receiving 50 work orders during an overhaul with a limited budget, time, labor, spare parts, tools, machines, etc. How does that engineer prioritize the work?
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The Author
Zardynezhad, S. - Toyo Engineering Canada Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Shahab Zardynezhad, PMP, is a registered Senior Mechanical Equipment Engineer in Alberta. He has 24 yr of experience working on many of the world’s largest oil, gas and petrochemical projects. His areas of specialization and industrial experience include engineering, design, procurement, inspection, installation, startup, maintenance, troubleshooting of general and special-purpose rotating equipment, with special concern on project management subjects and “fitness-for-purpose” consideration. He holds a BS degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Petroleum, an MS degree in industrial engineering from I.U.S.T, and a MEng degree in project management from the University of Calgary.
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