Through the looking glass: How US EPA regulations are changing the way we visualize methane leaks
In mid-2016, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published Regulation 40 CFR, Part 60, Sub-part OOOOa, commonly known as QuadOa. This regulation has propelled optical gas imaging (OGI) firmly into the mainstream, and presents a major shift in the way fugitive emissions are regulated and the technologies that can be used.
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The Author
Yanai, O. - Opgal, Acre, Israel
Omer Yanai is the Vice President of Business Development and Technology Innovation at Opgal, where he leads the company’s business and innovation initiatives. He was previously the VP of Marketing at Opgal and has held a range of senior business and marketing positions at companies such as Blue-I Technology and Tower Semiconductor. Mr. Yanai has more than 25 years of global experience in the technology sector, and he holds a BSc degree in industrial management engineering from Ben Gurion University and an MBA from Haifa University, both in Israel.
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