HP Viewpoint: Should there be an end to fermentation ethanol?
In 2005, the US Congress determined that fuels derived from renewable resources, such as biofuels, will play a major role in ensuring US energy independence.
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The Author
Brownstein, A. M. - ExxonMobil (retired), Moorestown, New Jersey
is a retiree of ExxonMobil Corp., where he was the general manager of the New Ventures technology division for ExxonMobil Chemical. Subsequently, he served for many years as a member of the board of directors for Membrane Technology and Research Inc. and as manager of technology acquisitions and licensing for ABB Lummus Global. He has also been a vice president for consulting firm Chem Systems Inc. Dr. Brownstein is also the author of three books, the most recent of which was published in November 2014, and more than 100 articles and patents on petrochemical and fuels technologies. He holds a PhD in chemistry from Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.
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