Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Kumar, S.

Consultant, Houston, Texas

LNG import terminal on a gravity base structure offshore

Consultant: Kumar, S.
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.: Nakachi, I.

An alternative design to a land-based facility is a compact, modular construction resting on the seabed

Material selection for low-temperature applications

Consultant: Kumar, S.

Analysis shows conventional metallurgy is usually adequate for process upsets

Use extractive distillation to simplify petrochemical processes

Consultant: Kumar, S.
GTC Technology US, LLC: Gentry, J. C.  |  Wright-Wytcherley, R.

Advances in solvent technology enable using extraction methods to separate close boiling point compounds cost-effectively

Simple method determines flow regime for friction factor calculations

Consultant: Kumar, S.
Department of Chemical Engineering: Gulyani, B. B.  |  Jain, A.  |  Mohanty, B.

Use these criteria to avoid trial-anderror procedures

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