Hydrogen-rich content gasoline: A new concept for paraffinic gasoline reformulation
Several refiners are evaluating a new gasoline-formulation technology called hydrogen (H2)-rich-content (HRC) gasoline. This patented technology uses low-sulfur, H2-rich refinery blendstocks like straight-run gasoline, isomerates, alkylate, butanes and renewable naphtha in gasoline blends, and adds aromatic amines (a high-octane gasoline additive) to make a drop-in specification gasoline.
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The Authors
Burger, J. - HRC Fuels, Long Beach, California
John Burger has more than 40 yr of experience working in and for the refining industry. He was part of the ARCO team that invented reformulated gasoline. Burger the President and Founder of Finding the Second Right Answer LLC, a consulting company focused on helping refiners repurpose existing assets more economically. He is the owner of U.S. Patent 11,434,441 B2, “Blended gasoline composition,” which is the foundation of HRC gasoline technology. He is also a co-author of a similar U.S. Patent 10,883,061 B3, “Aviation gasoline compositions.” The author can be reached at John.Burger@hrcfuels.com.
Byrne, D. - HRC Fuels, Media, Pennsylvania
Don Byrne has 32 yr of experience working in the refining industry. He has worked for Amoco Oil, Gulf Oil, Chevron Oil and Sunoco in research and development, as a Refinery Lab Manager, Area Superintendent, Area Operations Manager and Major Capital Projects Manager. Byrne also worked for 11 yr as a Management Safety Consultant for DuPont Sustainable Solutions. The author can be reached at Don.Byrne@hrcfuels.com.
Hoekstra, G. - Hoekstra Trading LLC, Chicago, Illinois
George Hoekstra worked for 35 yr in refinery process research, fuels and lubricants technologies, economics and marketing with Amoco and bp. He is the President of Hoekstra Trading LLC, which sponsors multi-client research projects in refining technology, catalysts and fuels economics, including the industry’s only standardized multi-client catalyst testing program. The author can be reached at George.Hoekstra@hoekstratrading.com.
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