Optimization study in hydrocracker unit using simulation model
Hydrocrackers are key refinery units that convert heavy feed components into valuable lighter products. The profitability of these units is directly related to this conversion level. Conversion reactions take place in a nearly pure hydrogen environment, with the help of selective catalysts, under high pressure and high temperature. The products of the unit are separated in the fractionator section. Unconverted oil taken from the fractionator bottoms reveals the conversion performance of the unit.
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The Authors
Kılıç, D. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Diyar Kiliç is Chief Process Engineer at Tüpraş İzmit refinery. She previously worked as a process safety engineer and holds a BSc degree in chemical engineering from Istanbul Technical University.
Bahadır Kara, İ. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
İsmail Bahadir Kara is Process Superintendent at Tüpraş İzmit refinery. He previously worked as an operations/process supervisor and holds an MSc degree in chemical engineering from Bosphorus University.
Rakıcı Önder, E. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Elif Rakici Önder is Hydroprocessing Process Superintendent at Tüpraş headquarters. She has been with Tüpraş for 12 yr and has experience spanning refinery operations, process optimization and commissioning of hydroprocessing units. She holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from Bosphorus University.
Reyhan Dinçer, A. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Asli Reyhan Dinçer is Simulation Superintendent at Tüpraş headquarters. She previously worked as a process engineer at Foster Wheeler. She holds a BSc degree in chemical engineering from Yıldız Technical University.
Dönmez Yavuz, G. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Gözde Dönmez Yavuz is Superintendent at Tüpraş headquarters. She previously worked as a process engineer in the refinery, responsible for hydroprocessing units.
ÖzsaĞıroĞlu, E. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Erhan Özsağiroğlu is Chief Simulation Engineer at Tüpraş headquarters. He previously worked as a senior process engineer and holds a PhD in chemical engineering from Istanbul Technical University.
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