Chemical treatment program for closed-loop cooling system
Closed-loop cooling water (CLCW) systems are utilized in areas where cooling is critical.
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The Authors
Oğuş, E. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Erhan Oğuş is a Process Superintendent with Tüpraş at the İzmut refinery. He has worked in various refinery processes such as crude distillation, power and utilities, and energy management. He has taken part in many energy efficiency projects and is currently focused on water treatment technologies, such as cooling water and boioler feddwater treatments. Oğuş earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey.
Kocaoğlu, T - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Tolga Kocaoğlu is a Process Engineer at the Tüpraş İzmit refinery. His responsibilities include utilities and power plant processes, such as cooling towers, demineralization units and boilers. He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey.
Aykut Avci, İ - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
İsmail Aykut Avci started his professional career in 2007 as a Production Engineer at Borusan Mannesmann’s İzmit factory. He joined the Tüpraş İzmit refinery in 2010 and has worked as a Maintenance Engineer, Reliability Chief Engineer and Maintenance Chief Engineer. Mr. Avcı has been working as Maintenance Superintendent since May 2016, responsible for the maintenance and repair of rotating equipment. He graduated from the Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Mechanical Engineering Department in 2007 and completed his MS degree in mechanical engineering at ITU in 2010.
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