Business Trends: The impact of a carbon tax on the European chemical industry
Over the past several years, greenhouses gas (GHG) emissions have become a pressing global issue.
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The Authors
Saxton, D. - Nexant Energy and Chemicals Advisory, London, UK
Daniel Saxton is a Senior Analyst for Europe, the Middle East and African regions in Nexant’s energy and chemicals advisory. He has worked with Nexant for the past 3 yr and has supported feasibility studies, strategy consultations and technical due diligences. He has also led analysis of the PUR and lithium markets. Prior to working at Nexant, Mr. Saxton worked in the refining and pulp and paper industries. He earned an MEng degree in chemical engineering from the University of Manchester.
FaÍsca, N. - Nexant Energy and Chemicals Advisory, London, UK
Nuno FaÍsca is a Managing Consultant for Europe, the Middle East and Asia regions in Nexant’s energy and chemicals advisory. Dr. Faísca is a chemical engineer with nearly 20 yr of experience in the oil and gas industry. He has managed numerous commercial and technical due diligence deals, feasibility studies and construction monitoring of petrochemical plants for project finance and transaction support. He earned a PhD in chemical engineering from Imperial College of London, UK.
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