Digital: Why an effective master data strategy is key to digital transformation in oil and gas
Digital transformation is the “buzzword du jour” in every industry, but nowhere is it more prevalent than in the oil and gas industry.
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The Author
Roberts, R. - Opportune LLP,
Rob Roberts is a Director in Opportune LLP’s Process & Technology practice. He has more than 20 yr of experience in the energy industry (upstream, downstream, oilfield services) focused on the delivery of mid-to-large-scale ERP implementations involving process optimization, system integration and application automation. His focus has been on the architecture, design and implementation of cross-functional solutions, including process integration, mobility and business analytics. Mr. Roberts has been involved in multiple full-lifecycle system implementations, from pre-sales and system planning to implementation and support. Prior to joining Opportune, he was responsible for ERP and technology services for multiple private consulting firms.
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