Business Trends: One downstream—Strategic imperatives for the evolving refining and chemical sectors
Downstream executives will remember the present decade as a golden age for the industry, driven by low feedstock prices and healthy end-use demand.
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The Authors
Dickson, D. - Deloitte Services, Stamford, Connecticut
Duane Dickson as more than 38 yr of business and consulting experience in senior leadership positions in major industrial and health care products companies. He is a Vice Chairman and Principal in Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Energy Resources and Industrials industry group, as well as the U.S. Oil, Gas and Chemicals sector leader.
Slaughter, A. - Deloitte Services, Houston, Texas
As executive director for the Deloitte Center for Energy Solutions, Deloitte Services LP, ANDREW SLAUGHTER works closely with Deloitte’s Energy and Resources leadership to define, implement and manage the execution of the Center’s strategy. He also helps develop and drive energy research initiatives and manage the development of the Center’s eminence and thought leadership. During his 25-year career as an oil and gas leader, he has occupied senior roles in both major oil and gas companies and consulting/advisory firms.
Mittal, A. - Deloitte Services LP, Hyderabad, India
Anshu Mittal is a Senior Manager on Deloitte Services LP’s research and eminence team.
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