Optimization: Steam methane reformer vs. electrolysis technology
Hydrogen market demand is forecast to expand. Bulk petrochemicals, ammonia, methanol and gasoline refining consume nearly two-thirds of global hydrogen demand.
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The Authors
Koul, S. - Linde Engineering, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Suneel Koul has 18 yr of professional experience in business development and sales management of projects for the oil, gas and petrochemicals industries. He has extensive domestic and international sales expertise. He also has experience in working with leading multinational EPC companies in petrochemicals, refining, steel and power projects.
Shah, M. - Linde Engineering, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Manan Shah is a Global Product Manager at Linde Engineering India for small H2 generation units called “Hydroprime Min.” He has more than 10 yr of professional experience in sales for oil, gas and petrochemicals.
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