Reconstruct a vacuum column injector system using computer modeling—Part 2
Steam ejector vacuum systems are the most common means of creating and maintaining a vacuum in the process units of oil and gas processing facilities.
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The Authors
Telyakov, E. S. - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russian Federation
Telyakov Edward Sharkhiyevich is a Professor in the Machines and Apparatuses of Chemical Production department of Kazan National Research Technological University. His sphere of scientific interests includes regularities of multicomponent conjugate mass-heat transfer in gas (vapor)-liquid systems, and the development of rational schemes and methods for the separation of industrial complex, non-ideal, multi-component mixtures. Dr. Sharkhiyevich earned his PhD in technical sciences.
Osipov, E. V. - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russian Federation
Osipov Edward Vladislavovich is an Associate Professor in the Machines and Apparatuses of Chemical Production department of Kazan National Research Technological University. His scientific specialties include the perfection of the technological design of vacuumcreating systems of industrial objects, and system analysis of complex chemical-technological systems. Dr. Vladislavovich earned his PhD in technical sciences.
Bugembe, D. - Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russian Federation
Daniel Bugembe is an Assistant Professor in the Process and Apparatuses of Chemical Technology department of Kazan National Research Technological University. His scientific interests include system analysis of complex chemical-technological systems.
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