Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

December 2006


Special Report: Plant Design and Engineering

Tank farm safety design: Updates
Plant Engineering Construction Pte., Ltd.: Swarup, J.

New review queries guidelines and various international codes for tank farm bunds

Reduce stress in piping layouts
Reliance Refinery: Chowdhary, M. G.  |  Darji, P.  |  Sharma, R. S.

Several examples illustrate proper designs

Spot energy-savings opportunities in your plant
Petro-Canada: Patel, S.

Choosing the appropriate equipment design and other system components can improve system reliability and save money

Eliminating the risks to starting up your plant right the first time
Fluor: Leitch, J.

The ability to bring a new facility online sooner and minimize trips or faults that reduce production volume yields significant financial benefits

Digitize your plant using laser scanning for easier access to information
Quantapoint: McGill, J.

Integration of facility documentation and laser models enables a single entry point for data

Engineering and economics of CO2 removal and sequestration
Consultant: Flintoff, W.
Global Machinery Consultants Pty Ltd.: Saxena, M. N.

Using this technology will help facilities meet environmental regulations


Develop a 'real-time' emissions monitoring strategy for your facility
Mustang Engineering Inc.: Buchanan, J.  |  Delaney, M.
BP Products North America, Inc.: Coppola, K.

An advanced environmental data management system is a possible solution to comply with strict air pollution regulations

Protect anion resin from biofouling
Karnaphuli Fertilizer Co. Ltd.: Rahman, S.

Good treatment practices can prevent this serious problem

Loss Prevention

Avoid equipment failure with erosion prediction tools
ANSYS, Inc.: Agrawal, M.  |  Chilka, A.  |  Schowalter, D.
Baker Oil Tools: Russell, R.

Advanced computational fluid dynamics models can accurately simulate corrosion incidents for processing equipment


Multiobjective genetic algorithms optimize maintenance
University of Mondragon: Goti, A.
Polytechnich University of Valencia, Department of Statistics and Operational Research: Sanchez, A.

Overall equipment effectiveness and cost criteria are considered

Process Safety

Multi-layered holistic protection promotes plant productivity and safety
Honeywell Safety Management Solutions: Hillman, S.
Honeywell Process Solutions: Jofriet, P.

A hazard study is not a discrete event, but the starting point to improve overall availability

Process Technology

Enhance mercury removal from naphtha
Taiyo Techno Service Co., Ltd: Akihisa, N.  |  Ikushima, K.
Consultant: Mokhatab, S.

Improved activated carbon provides adsorption of various mercury species


HP Control: Audit your APC applications
Petrocontrol: Friedman, Y. Z.

I was one of the first control industry whistleblowers, pointing out that half of the advanced process control (APC) applications implemented over the years do not work. We APC engineers have the resp..

HP Reliability: Avoid three-dimensional compressor impeller failures
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

 Fig. 1     Three-dimensional impeller with integral blading being machined (Source: Babcock-Borsig, Berlin, Germany Cl..

HPIn LNG: Changing LNG trade within the global gas market
Consultant: Mokhatab, S.

The International Energy Agency's (IEA's) 2006 baseline scenario forecasts that global natural gas (NG) demand will increase by 138% from 2,244 million ton of oil equivalent (Mtoe) in 2003 to 5,349 Mt..

HP Integration Strategies: Cost effectiveness is driving safety and control system integration
HP Editorial Staff: Ghosh, A.

Manufacturers are under pressure to contribute value to a company's bottom line by continuously improving performance of their assets. Business drivers focus on metrics such as return on assets (ROA) ..

HPIn Europe: Tanker group: Marine distillate not fuel oil from 2010
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Wright, Tim L.

My friend who runs an oil tanker business has just heard from his trade organization that it has made a submission in a working group that high-sulfur and low-sulfur fuel oil should be replaced by a n..

HP Construction: Asia-Pacific
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Jackson, Kim M.

Toyo Engineering Corp. (TOYO) has a contract for the implementation phase of a new ethylene cracker with Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd. (SEPL) to be located on Bukom Island, Singapore. TOYO entere..

HP Construction: Middle East
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Jackson, Kim M.

Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil Chemical Qatar Ltd. have a heads of agreement (HOA) to study a proposed $3 billion petrochemical complex in Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar. The anticipated facility i..

HP Construction: North America
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Jackson, Kim M.

Husky Energy has selected Axens to supply three technologies for the possible future expansion of the Husky Lloydminster Upgrader (HLU). The expansion will increase production from 82,000 bpsd to 150,..

HP Construction: Europe
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Jackson, Kim M.

BASF Aktiengesellschaft (BASF) and Dow Chemical Co. (Dow) have formed a long-term venture to produce propylene oxide (PO) at what is claimed to be the world's first commercial-scale hydrogen peroxide ..

HP In Brief: HPIn Brief
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

  Biodiesel: uneven supply, demandBiodiesel is renewable fuel made from vegetable or animal fats and oils used as..

HP Impact: Women in energy sector discuss barriers to career commitments
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Especially with today's tight labor market, companies tend to focus on recruitment programs, but neglect to address the problems of why some employees may have left their ranks in the first place. Bri..

HP Impact: New software assesses project 'health' throughout execution
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

The Construction Industry Institute (CII) has recently developed a tool that helps identify in real time various factors that could be early warning signs of trouble on a project. With the Project Hea..

HP Impact: Housing market drives formaldehyde demand
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Formaldehyde is a petrochemical that can create value-added materials in commercial applications and improve the quality of life through its chemical interaction with numerous other compounds. Many of..

HP Impact: Oil and gas exporters to US market facing maturing demand
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Refiners in Europe and Latin America will feel the crunch as they lose their export market for surplus products such as gasoline, according to Aileen Jamieson, managing consultant downstream oil, at W..

HP Impact: As China's energy use rises, government regulates conservation
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

In the first half of 2006, China's energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) rose by 0.8% over the same period of 2005. "It is a huge challenge for China to reach its energy-saving g..

HP Impact: Outlook complex for global methanol supply and demand
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Methanol prices have steadily climbed over recent months, without a huge fundamental shift in supply and demand, according to an analysis by Jim Jordan, of Jim Jordan & Associates. The US market suffe..
