Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

March 1999


Special Report: Instrumentation and Control

Unique approach to real-time optimization - Fig. 3
BP Amoco Kwinana refinery: Bester, P.
BP Amoco Coryton refinery: Jerrit, B.  |  Verne, T.

Fig. 3. The operator display provides online cost ..

Unique approach to real-time optimization
BP Amoco Kwinana refinery: Bester, P.
BP Amoco Coryton refinery: Jerrit, B.  |  Verne, T.

This method requires less software work than alternatives

Knowledge capital
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nakamura, D. N.

As oil industry companies continue to merge, consolidate and downsize, a natural outcome is a decline in the number of workers. This trend that started in the late '80s has resulted in what Joseph Sta..


HP Control: Cooperation needed between FF and OPC
Texas Consultants: Bosler, W. H.

Editor's note: The following is in response to my March '98 column, "Controversy in control," which requested input from our readers on controversial issues. Recently, representatives from OLE fo..

HP Reliability: What to do with reliability indices
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

This issue is often raised, or even debated. A simple explanation would be that reliability data can be converted into uncomplicated, figure-of-merit performance indices. Consider these indices as coa..

HP Reliability: What to do with reliability indices - Fig 1
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

This MTTF data from production, maintenance Remember: MTTF is a meterstick- and purchasing records. not a micrometer ..

HPInternet: LawRunner: a legal research tool
Competitive Analysis Technologies: Crowley, B.

It has been said that the Internet is the largest library in the world, but all the books are on the floor. Here's one site that helps us to find government, legal and court information from all over ..

HP Control: HPIn Construction
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Stephens, F. P.

BP Amoco constructs new plant, expands production capacity BP Amoco Chemicals has marked the construction of its world-scale 1,4 butanediol (BDO) plant. This new plant, under construction in Lima, ..

HPIn SHE: Open with care – tales from the mailbox
ility Engineering: Whetton, Chris

Open with care — tales from the mailbox

HPIn Competitiveness: Equipment solutions management: the missing link
Cost Control Systems, LLC: Lamb, R. G.

I recently discussed with a plant's management its vision and program to eliminate unplanned production losses from equipment failures. The facility's overarching goal is to achieve zero breakdowns. ..

HPInformer: HPInformer, North America edition
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Stephens, F. P.

Adaptive Media, Inc., Sunnyvale, California, a leading provider of real-time, Web-based visualization software for the extended enterprise, and Rebis, Walnut Creek, California, a developer of plant de..

HPInformer: HPInformer, International edition
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Stephens, F. P.

Elf Atochem, France, has agreed to acquire 51% of Seki Catalyst Co. Ltd., Korea. Seki is one of Korea's main organic peroxide producers with an important market share. Its 2.3 Mtpy manufacturing facil..

HP In Brief: HPIn Brief
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Market fundamentals suggest that prices could rebound, in spite of the current oil glut, says Olivier Appert, senior executive vice president of ISIS. He stressed that IEA estimates a recovery this ye..

HP Impact: HPImpact: Chem Systems petrochemical outlook
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

The outlook for petrochemicals was addressed at the Chem Systems Petrochemical Review conference, Houston, January 27–28. The following summarizes the forecasts for several key products and highl..

HP Impact: HPImpact: Latest supply/demand trends analyzed for global oil industry
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

After a year of crisis and uncertainty, the global oil industry is "beset with uncertainty over its future," according to a recently released report by Arthur Andersen and Cambridge Energy Research As..

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor

HPIn Reliability – Keep your partner supplier alert, cooperative Our company has grown from six locations and around $100 million in annual sales in 1992 to over 36 locations and $250 millio..


Can you imagine a day without plastic?
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

Of course, some seniors can remember life without the influence of polymers. However, the discovery of plastics and its rapid commercialization has truly changed society. A day without plastic. For..
