Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

December 1997


Management Guidelines

Engineering standards and EQC – why bother?
Carmagen Engineering, Inc.: Carucci, V. A.

Avoid technical problems that can cause project cost increases or schedule delays


Simple method determines flow regime for friction factor calculations
Consultant: Kumar, S.
Department of Chemical Engineering: Gulyani, B. B.  |  Jain, A.  |  Mohanty, B.

Use these criteria to avoid trial-anderror procedures


HP Control: Does CLRTO work?
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Kane, L.

The National Petroleum Refiners Association (Washington, D.C.) held their annual Computer Conference and Showcase Nov. 16–19 in New Orleans. The event included papers and breakout sessions on pro..

HP Reliability: Detect accelerated wear in compressors
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

For compressor pistons, rings, liners, packing and rods, normal wear is not a significant problem. Generally, their normal service life is long and satisfactory; typical wear is gradual and can be det..

HPInternet: International Energy Agency
Competitive Analysis Technologies: Crowley, B.

If your business assignment calls for global knowledge and you need current and detailed hydrocarbon information from many countries, this may well be your favorite spot on the Internet. IEA backgroun..

HP Insight: What is the true cost to stop global warming?
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

At this writing, the HPI is greatly concerned over the international global warming policy to be signed at Kyoto, Japan, in December. Over 150 nations will discuss future obligations by developed, ind..

HPIn SHE: An open letter to President Clinton
ility Engineering: Whetton, Chris

Two significant events happened recently. First, news came over the Reuters wire that, after five years of wrangling, U.S. President Clinton had agreed to not veto the creation of the Chemical Safety ..

HPIn Processing: Process engineering tools
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nakamura, D. N.

One of the privileges of the editor's job is that we regularly get "desk copies" of newly published books. Although HP does not have an official column for book reviews, recently I have received some ..

HPIn Competitiveness: Reducing maintenance expenses – Is that all there is?
Cost Control Systems, LLC: Lamb, R. G.

I recently attended one of many annual reliability and maintenance conferences. As usual, the battle cry to reduce maintenance expenses was heard early and often. Case of the B52. This call to arms..

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Stephens, F. P.

ABB Lummus Global, Bloomfield, New Jersey, has acquired Phillips' Olefins Conversion Technology, also known as Triolefins. This technology is a strategic addition to the portfolio of technologies alre..

HP Construction: HPIn Construction
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Roberson, M.

Seadrift to expand coking facility Seadrift Coke L. P. has signed a $22-million contract to expand output at it's needle coking facilities, Sea-drift, Texas. The project's scope calls for Foster..

HP In Brief: HPIn Brief
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Speeding technology to market is key to survival in a global economy, according to Dr. Francis J. Honn, chairman of the Commercial Development Association Education Foundation. "Companies that quickly..

HP Impact: HPImpact: Study asks: What are minimum costs to limit 'greenhouse' gases?
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

A recent report by consulting firm WEFA, Inc. examines economic ramifications from the U.S.-proposed carbon-emission reductions to control global warming. Considerable debate is ongoing whether increa..

HP Impact: HPImpact: No alternative fuel is 'panacea'; three lead in benefits, says AIChE
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) has conducted an objective, comprehensive, and quantitative side-by-side analysis of the leading alternative transportation fuels (ATFs). The study..

HP Impact: HPImpact: Energy outlook projects worldwide oil demand at 116 MMbpd in 2020
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

The Annual Energy Outlook 1998 from DOE's Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the first with projections to 2020. The projections also reflect a greater shift to electricity market restructurin..

HP Impact: HPImpact: Users rate 'valuable' technologies in life
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Results of an American Society for Quality survey conducted by the Gallup Organization shows that information and networking technologies are not always what they promise to be. U.S. consumers report ..

HP Impact: HPImpact: Skill standards urged for workforce
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

As the workforce is increasingly expected to master sophisticated technology and information systems, businesses realize that having skilled workers is what will make them competitive in the next cent..

HP Impact: HPImpact: Soil remediation research expects to provide new techniques soon
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

In the mid-1980s, when industry realized that the costs of using best developed available technologies for soil remediation were extremely high, industry and regulators asked: "How clean is clean enou..

HP Impact: HPImpact: Remediation markets expanding, changing
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

World market for soil remediation and groundwater contamination is expected to grow from $18 billion in 1997 to $25 billion in 2002. So says a new report from the McIlvaine Co., Northbrook, Illinois. ..


HP visits the 29th Annual ECC Conference
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Roberson, M.

Thanks to AIChE, this year's 29th Annual Engineering Construction Contracting (ECC) Conference was held September 4–5, in San Diego, California, at the Sheraton Hotel and Marina. The conference t..

HPImpact: Report 'clarifies' MES for management
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

A new white paper from MESA International helps further the understanding of manufacturing execution systems (MES). The 24-page booklet, "MES: A High Level Vision," is the result of a year-long projec..

Rethinking cyber security for HPI operations

Robert Mick, Contributing editor       Comments? Write: editorial@HydrocarbonProcessing.com Cyber security attacks and d..
