Weirauch, Wendy
HP In Brief: HPIn Brief
Taiwan's government has opened the door for Taiwanese companies to develop large-scale chemical projects in mainland China. Under the previous regulation, companies were limited to investment spending..
HP Impact: Gas-to-liquids: much smoke, little fire
The initial gas-to-liquids (GTL) complexes implemented in the 1980sand early 1990s were not commercially successful for a number ofreasons - the main one was that they were far too expensive (Table1)...
HP Impact: What can help troubled owner / ECC relationship?
The long-term relationship between owners and the contractors thathelp serve their technical needs has been buffeted in recent years.Addressing this topic at Rice University's Global CompetitivenessFo..
HP Impact: HPI firms spend millions to produce own electricity
Co-production of electricity and steam are not new ideas, but theirpopularity in the U.S. is growing. Recent estimates have chemicalcompanies responsible for nearly one-third or 17,000 megawatts (MW)o..
HP Impact: EU directives: fueling growth for biodiesel market
The European Commission is expected to propose two new directivesto ensure that biofuels make an important contribution to the totalautomotive fuel consumption in the region. This impendingannouncemen..
HP Impact: API elects new chairman and treasurer
Lee R. Raymond, chairman of the board and chief executive officerof ExxonMobil Corp., Irving, Texas, has been elected to a one-yearterm as chairman of the board of the American Petroleum Institute(API..
HP Impact: HPImpact: Methanol industry's critical drivers
Industry analysts at CMAI ( recently presented their views of where the methanol market is headed. For 2000, most anticipated supply far outdistancing demand. The world had yet to r..
HP Impact: HPImpact: Making zero accidents an industry reality
During the last decade, the construction industry has become more enlightened about worker safety. On some projects, clients and contractors seriously adopted the belief that projects could be constru..
HP Impact: HPImpact: Experts examine MTBE global demand prospects
Worldwide demand for MTBE will reach a peak of more than 520 thousand barrels/day (Mbpd) in 2001, following a decade and a half of extremely rapid growth – averaging more than 10%/yr since 1992. ..
HP Impact: HPImpact: Canada's natural gas future lies in western sector
Natural gas production from western Canada will continue to be the mainstay of Canada's gas supply. The frontier regions will supplement the volumes available from the western Canada sedimentary basin..
- Borouge reaffirms commitment to local manufacturing with new industry supply agreements 1/10
- Update: Turkey's Izmir refinery now expects to restart crude unit in Feb, IIR says 1/10
- Pertamina unit to produce ISCC-certified SAF in 1Q 1/10
- WTO panel largely backs EU in palm oil case against Indonesia 1/10
- Howard Energy Partners acquires ethylene pipeline from EPIC Midstream Holdings 1/10
- U.S. to impose further sanctions on Russian oil fleet and traders 1/10