SMR feed effluent hairpin exchanger: Once upon a time—An unusual thermal mix-point failure—Part 2
This article presents a review of a failure that happened in a hairpin heat exchanger type on the shell side in a H2 (H2) reformer unit.
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The Authors
Gilbert, F. - Suncor Energy Inc., Montreal Refinery, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
François Gilbert has been a Material Engineer for the last 13 yr at the Suncor refinery in Montreal. He is responsible for the risk-based inspection program and participates in fitness for service, developing inspection plans, completing root cause failure analyses, completing corrosion studies and implementing/reviewing operational integrity limits. He is also involved in a group of material specialists covering all Suncor sites. Gilbert earned BS and MS degrees in material engineering, is certified in API-510, API-571 and API-580 standards, and is a Professional Engineer in the Quebec province.
Jacob, O. - Suncor Energy Inc., Montreal Refinery, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Olivier Jacob has been a Unit Inspector for the last 7 yr at the Suncor Montreal refinery. He participates in developing inspection plans, evaluating equipment integrity and coordinating turnaround inspection teams. He has a professional degree in materials and welding and a BS degree in material engineering. Jacob is certified by API-510, API-570, NBIC-CI/R and is a Professional Engineer in the Quebec province.
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