End-to-end H2 firing solutions
To meet corporate and global net-zero carbon initiatives, many refining and chemical industry plant owners are considering refueling existing fired equipment with sustainable, low-carbon fuels.
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The Authors
Imel, P. - Zeeco, Chandler, Oklahoma
Parker Imel is the Manager of Burner Process Design for Zeeco. He began his career at Zeeco in 2009 as a Test Facility Engineer. Since then, Imel has taken on many roles at Zeeco, including Senior Process Design Engineer for the burner group, supporting process burners, retrofits and duct burners. Imel is from Chandler, Oklahoma, and earned a BS degree in mechanical engineering from Oklahoma State University.
Filoon, C. - Zeeco, Chandler, Oklahoma
Christopher Filoon is the Director of Combustion Electronics for Zeeco. He has more than 20 yr of experience in proper flame detection in various combustion environments, including understanding the rules and regulations concerning safe flame detection for worldwide markets. Filoon lived and worked for Zeeco in Singapore for 3 yr and in Germany for 4 yr. He has also held various leadership positions working with flame detection in the U.S.
Parker, C. - Zeeco, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Chris Parker was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma (U.S.) and obtained his BS degree in mechanical engineering with a minor in petroleum engineering from Oklahoma State University. He has been involved with the combustion industry as an employee of Zeeco for 12 yr. During his time at Zeeco, Parker has worked as a test facility engineer in Zeeco’s test facility for 3 yr, applications engineer for 7 yr and applications engineering manager for 2 yr.
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