Syngas from H2S and CO2: An alternative, pioneering synthesis route?
Hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide represent major concerns for the hydrocarbon industry. Both species are contaminants and, since their use as feedstock is minor, are considered troubling byproducts.
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The Authors
Manenti, G. - Alfa Laval Olmi SpA, Suisio, Italy
Giovanni Manenti has more than 20 yr of experience in process and heat transfer design and R&D activities, and in engineering and pressure vessels manufacturing companies. He is focused on special shell-and-tube heat exchangers, such as process gas boilers for the syngas industry and transfer-line exchangers for steam cracking furnaces, and on heat transfer prototype equipment. Dr. Manenti earned a PhD in chemical engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Molinari, L. - KT-Kinetics Technology SpA, Milan, Italy
Lucio Molinari spent 45 years as a process engineer and technology specialist in some of the major Italian engineering companies operating in the nuclear and oil and gas industries. He holds an MS degree in chemical engineering from Università di Genova, Italy, and an MS in philosophy of science from Università di Milano, Italy. He has dedicated the last three decades to gas treatment and sulfur recovery technology.
Manenti, F. - Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Flavio Manenti is a professor of chemical plants and operations at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where he leads the Centre for Sustainable Process Engineering Research (SuPER). He has been elected as a charity trustee at the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) and awardedthe Alexander von Humboldt Prize for senior scientist. His applied research on modeling, control and optimization is strictly related to practical applications on more than 40 industrial projects.
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