NOx, NOx, who’s there—steam cracker or SMR?
This article addresses the generation of thermal NOx in the furnace of each process, NOx abatement by SCR, and premature degradation of SCR catalyst by chromium species in the flue gas.
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The Author
Kunz, R. G. - RGK Environmental Consulting, LLC, Hillsborough, North Carolina
is an independent environmental consultant. He was previously associated with Cormetech Inc., Air Products and Chemicals, Esso Research and Engineering Co., and The M.W. Kellogg Co. Dr. Kunz earned a BChE degree in chemical engineering from Manhattan College, a PhD in chemical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, an MS degree in environmental engineering from Newark College of Engineering, and an MBA from Temple University. He has contributed numerous items to professional literature, including many on NOx measurement, prediction, correlation and control. Dr. Kunz is a member of AIChE, ACS, and the Air & Waste Management Association. He is also a licensed professional engineer in several states.
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