How sensitive is your treating plant to operating conditions?
A normal expectation in the course of operating an amine treating plant for acid gas removal is that small changes in operating conditions will result in correspondingly small responses in plant performance. However, such expectations are not always well founded. To establish credibility for the process simulator used in the design of a new LNG plant, the mass-transfer rate-based simulation results for the new plant are compared with performance data from an operating LNG plant.
Atlantic LNG Company of Trinidad and Tobago:
Maharaj, N.
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The Authors
Weiland, R. H. - Optimized Gas Treating, Buda, Texas
Ralph Weiland is Chairman of Optimized Gas Treating. He formed Optimized Gas Treating more than 25 yr ago, and with Australian colleagues developed the ProTreat mass transfer rate-based gas treating simulator, and later the sulfur plant simulator SulphurPro. He holds BASc and MASc degrees, as well as a PhD, in chemical engineering from the University of Toronto.
Maharaj, N. - Atlantic LNG Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Trinidad
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