Bio-isobutanol: The next-generation biofuel
This article highlights the technology, feedstocks and market growth opportunities for isobutanol, with a focus on potential new market offerings in the very near future.
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The Authors
Kolodziej, R. - Wood Group Mustang, Houston, Texas
has more than 30 years of experience in process/project engineering and development roles serving the refining, petrochemicals, chemicals, polymers and gas processing industries. He has been involved with several new technology development projects, including bio-related projects. Most recently, Mr. Kolodziej has been involved with Gevo’s projects for renewable isobutanol and various petrochemicals. He is also responsible for process plant project development for Wood Group Mustang in the Far East, and he holds US and international patents in hydrotreating. Mr. Kolodziej holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois in Chicago and an MBA degree in finance from DePaul University in Chicago, and he is a registered professional engineer in Illinois.
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