Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

February 2002


Special Report: Clean Fuels

What does it take to meet the clean fuels challenge?

Refiners will use more tools other than technology to process clean fuels and be profitable

Consider improved catalyst technologies to remove sulfur
Advanced Refining Technologies, LP: Krenzke, L. D.  |  Shiflett, W. K.

With new catalyst systems, hydroprocessing efforts more efficiently reduce complex sulfur compounds and lower blended fuels’ sulfur content

First-principles distillation inference models for product quality prediction
Petrocontrol: Friedman, Y. Z.
Petrobras: Neto, E. A.  |  Porfirio, C. R.

Modeling approach involves a short-cut simulation of a column section

Revamp your hydrotreater for deep desulfurization
Fluor Corp.: Bharvani, R. R.  |  Henderson, R. S.

Retrofit projects involve defining the limits on existing equipment, understanding the costs for replacement and optimizing unit design parameters

Reliability design concepts for the future clean fuels era
Conoco Inc.: Nelson, D. K.
RonaMax LLC: Vesier, C.

The effects of storage capacity and interaction losses must be considered simultaneously with unit size

Manage refinery spent caustic efficiently
Refinaria de Petroleos de Manguinhos: Carlos, T. M. S.
USFilter, Zimpro Products: Maugans, C. B.

A small Brazilian refiner uses an oxidation process to treat caustic from gasoline-sweetening efforts

Consider online sulfur measurement for clean fuels
Siemens Applied Automatin: Gokeler, U.
Siemens AG: Muller, H.  |  Offermanns, U.

A new analytical method can increase process optimization and regulation compliance

Engineering Case Histories

Case 7: Why is the agitator agitated?
Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

Analytical modeling can help identify the root cause


HP Control: Judging model validity
Consultant: Hartmann, J.C.M.

Apparently it is extremely difficult to change the belief of peoplewho have emotionally invested into a position. This is caused bythe complexity of interactions between belief and interest: Somepeopl..

HP Reliability: Split Flow inline vertical pumps: a new option
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

When process designs use API 610 centrifugal pumps for dual-service applications, use of the Split Flow feature provides unique benefits: Permits use of two pumps instead of four – capital savi..

HPInformer: HP Informer, Domestic
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Jackson, Kim M.

Flint Hills Resources, LP, formerly Koch Petroleum Group, L.P., isa new independent refining and chemicals company that is a whollyowned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc. Headquarters are locatedin ..

HP Construction: HPIn Construction
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Jackson, Kim M.

Foster Wheeler expanding plantFoster Wheeler Energy Ltd. (FWEL) has a front-end engineering anddesign (FEED), feasibility study and management contract (PMC) withSociete Anonyme Marocaine de L'Industr..

HP In Brief: HPIn Brief
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Growth is forecast in safety systems despite a generalslowdown in the process automation market. An increased awarenessof safety standards and environmental concerns is fueling theupswing, says a new ..

HP Impact: Revised EU directive poses plant upgrade challenges
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

The EU oil refining industry is being presented with majorchallenges due to a new revision to the original 1988 LargeCombustion Plant Directive (88/609/EEC), which limits certainemissions. It will sig..

HP Impact: U.S. process catalysts demand to grow 4.4%/year
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Demand for process catalysts (which exclude environmentalapplications) is forecast to increase 4.4%/year to $3.3 billion in2005. This increase is being driven by accelerating growth in thepetroleum re..

HP Impact: Gas partners save $102 million by reducing methane emissions
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Annual results from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's(EPA's) Natural Gas STAR Program show that its industry partnersreduced methane emissions from unit operations and equipment leaksby 34 bi..

HP Impact: Air pollution declines as energy use climbs
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

New analysis of three decades of U.S. government data finds thatAmericans don't have to choose between healthier air and energyconsumption. A recent study of data collected since 1970 reveals "drama..

HP Impact: Forecast: record year ahead for NOx control equipment
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Sales of NOx control equipment in the U.S. in 2002 willexceed $4 billion. This is a significant jump from $2.7 billionlast year. According to a recent forecast by the McIlvaine Company,"despite the ra..

HP Impact: Some energy producers continue expansion plans
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Not long ago, the California energy crisis was reachingcatastrophic proportions. All eyes were on the states withderegulation looming on the horizon, wondering if the nextderegulated state would follo..

HP Impact: Load-leveling market to see ‘explosive growth’
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

The U.S. load-leveling market is estimated at $11 million in 2001as companies began to bring products to market. By 2006, explosivegrowth of over 150% per year on average is expected, resulting in ama..

HP Impact: EPA’s enforcement actions ‘legally reasonable’, says new federal ruling
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

The U.S. Justice Department announced in mid-January its conclusionthat the Environmental Protection Agency's "new source review"(NSR) enforcement actions against certain facilities - such as oilrefin..


Belgium – Ministry of Economic Affairs

Why would a site like a ministry of economic affairs be of interestto us in the downstream industry? As a federal public institution,under the supervision of the Minister of Economy and the Ministerin..

Consider new technologies to replace MTBE
Kvaerner: Kolodziej, R.  |  Tsai, M. J.

Processing methods enable using 'stranded' MTBE facilities and feedstocks for high-octane applications

Diagnostic alarm – to trip or not to trip

A number of requirements in the International Functional Safety Standard IEC 61508 sound as if an operating company must set up a safety instrumented system (SIS) to automatically trip the process whe..

HP talks with Jerry Thompson, Chairman of the Board, NPRA's Executive Committee

        Jerry Thompson will step down as the Chairman of the Executive Committee next month. He has been inst..
