Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

December 2002



HP Control: 2002 ISA show: hot topics, ongoing trends
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Kane, L.

The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society (ISA) held its 2002 annual conference and exhibit on Oct. 21 - 24 in Chicago. Since most of the leading instrumentation suppliers did..

HP Reliability: Purposeful specifications will save you money . . .
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

. . . As if you needed to be reminded, you might say. Nevertheless, industry continues to experience equipment and component failures that could have been avoided by simple root-cause a..

HPInternet: Congressional Research Service reports
Competitive Analysis Technologies: Crowley, B.

Have you ever wondered where U.S. Congress representatives get the information they need to make decisions on laws that affect so many lives? True, much of the information comes from lo..

HP Integration Strategies: Strategic use of engineering and design information
ARC Advisory Group: Novak, R.

Many process industry companies struggle with the "as-built" data that is handed over at the end of a construction project. But what do you do with it so that it will provide value thro..

HP Innovations: HPInnovations

Real-time catalyst monitoring software CRI Catalyst Company and Pavilion Technologies, Inc. have introduced the CATSCAN catalyst performance modeling system. It combines CRI's catalyst ..

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Jackson, Kim M.

Upcoming scientific meetings The 16th International Symposium, Exhibit and Workshop on preparative / process chromatography, ion exchange, adsorption / desorption process and related se..

New Developments

Optimize inventory management Shared Inventory Management Service is claimed to optimize inventory management in manufacturing companies. This Web-based, vendor-managed inventory service com..

HP Construction: HPIn Construction
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Jackson, Kim M.

Chemical plant expansion Petrocon Engineering Inc. (PEI), an ENGlobal Corp. subsidiary, has a contract with Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. LP (CPChem). The agreement is for engineering, procu..

Free Literature

New gas and equipment catalog Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.'s newest Specialty Gas and Equipment Catalog features over 460 pages of information. It includes: ordering information; specifications, g..

HP In Brief: HPIn Brief
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

  Project costs Take a look at how..

HP Impact: ECCs, owners exchange views at annual meeting
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

This year's Engineering & Construction Contracting (ECC) Conference attracted over 265 registered attendees. Joining under the theme of "An Industry In Challenging Times: Unlocking New ..

HP Impact: What tools do process plant managers require?
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Weirauch, Wendy

Industry analysts with Daratech (www.daratech.com) have researched what process industry companies require in technology that is constantly evolving for data management. Here're some of..


2002 – Is it over yet?
Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

Controversy builds character. Without a doubt, the HPI companies that are surviving these recent times are true characters. As 2002 closes, the majority of businesses are heaving a sigh..

Integrate workflow to execute projects quicker and at lowest cost

Here’s how to engineer to the job’s best interest, instead of the demands of the tools

Reduce engineering rework, plant life cycle costs
Farnest Engineering BV: Brand, D. M.
Shell International Health Services: Rensink, H. J. T.

Structured approach ensures early integration of cost-effective, user-friendly designs

Gas-to-liquids: a look at proposed projects

Gas-to-liquids (GTL) has now become the most talked about petroleum process that has failed to materialize on a massive scale: only 40,000 b/d of capacity is presently onstream worldwid..

Engineering Case Histories

Case 12: A compressor rod failure
Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

Sometimes a troubleshooter has to be a detective


Consider process control a specialty within chemical engineering – Part 3
Cecil L. Smith, Inc.: Smith, C. L.

By recognizing which process conditions are limiting, designs can avoid pitfalls in control strategies

Special Report: Engineering and Construction

Reliability-based program assesses equipment assets

This database compares and prioritizes different maintenance options

Simulation/Process Control

A fast simulation algorithm for industrial cracking furnaces
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsingshua University: Chen, B.  |  He, X.  |  Xu, Q.

Comparison with actual plant data shows it is accurate enough for real-time optimization


Achieve world-class maintenance turnarounds Table 1
Fluor Enterprises, Inc.: Hayes, P.

  Table 1. Turnaround management process phases ..

Achieve world-class maintenance turnarounds
Fluor Enterprises, Inc.: Hayes, P.

Incorporate these work processes and key elements

Process Technology/Petrochemical

Increase propylene yields cost-effectively
Linde AG: Bolt, H. V.  |  Glanz, S.

Using a new catalytic system, steamcrackers can produce more C3s from existing units
