Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Trivedi, U. B.

Hitech iSolutions LLP, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Usha B. Trivedi is an engineer with Hitech iSolutions LLP, which provides design support services across the globe. With years of experience in CAD drafting, conversion, 3D CAD modeling and 3D rendering, Ms. Trivedi provides insights for solutions for the process challenges faced by fabricators, designers, contractors, engineers and architects.

Engineering Practices—CAD for plant layout: Being right by being safe

Hitech iSolutions LLP: Trivedi, U. B.

When we think of oil and gas industry hazards, we often perceive them as an enormous oil rig engulfed in flames in the middle of nowhere.

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