Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Poussin, G.

CREALYST-Oil, Paris, France

Guillaume Poussin is the Group Managing Director at CREALYST-Group. He has more than 15 yr of experience in the study and development of technologies concerning particle behavior during filling processes of cylindrical vessels for different applications (e.g., for catalysts and adsorbents and the agricultural storage of grain).

Solving maldistribution: Catalyst loading and why it matters

Shell Catalysts & Technologies: Maas, E.  |  Sigaud, J.
CREALYST-Oil: Poussin, G.  |  Caldas, T.

Are your reactor yields lower than forecast? Does your fixed-bed catalytic reactor suffer from hotspots?

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