A novel process for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to produce ethylene and acetic acid
The authors’ company has developed a commercial chemical processa for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane (ODH-E). By means of a heterogeneous catalyst, ethane and oxygen are selectively converted into ethylene and acetic acid, which, after separation and purification, are provided in polymer-grade and glacial quality, respectively.
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The Authors
Bermejo, R. - Linde Engineering, Munich, Germany
Ricardo Bermejo joined Linde Engineering in 2020 as a Product Manager for petrochemical processes. In this role, he accompanied took part in the development and commercialization of the EDHOX™ technology. In 2023, he changed to the Linde Engineering product line Adsorption and Membrane Plants to work as a Manager in project execution. Dr. Bermejo earned a PhD in chemical engineering from the California Institute of Technology.
Dörhöfer, T. - Linde Engineering, Munich, Germany
Tobias Dörhöfer is a Product Manager for Sustainable Hydrocarbon Solutions at Linde Engineering. He earned a PhD in process engineering from the Technical University of Munich. Since joining Linde Engineering in 2005, Dr. Dörhöfer has worked in several functions relating to steam cracker technologies and process design. In his current position, he focuses on the commercialization of the EDHOX™ technology.
Kracker, G. - Linde Engineering, Munich, Germany
Gunther Kracker is the Head of Product Management and Cost Estimation for the Sustainable Hydrocarbon Solutions product line at Linde Engineering. After joining Linde in 2004 as a Process Engineer for petrochemical plants, he subsequently moved through various management roles and responsibilities. Today, Dr. Kracker oversees the portfolio management of Linde’s petrochemical and natural gas technologies, with a special focus on the commercialization of sustainable technology solutions.
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