Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Klinkenbijl, J.

Shell Global Solutions, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

joined Shell’s gas treating group in 1982. Her expertise includes absorption, adsorption and sulfur conversion, as well as carbon capture and storage, covering the operation, design and development of new processes, lineups and equipment. Presently, she is team lead in gas processing expertise and also holds the gas treating principal technical expert role at Shell. Some of her previous roles include positions in process modeling, crude characterization, refinery support and IT. She holds a master’s degree in chemical technology from the Technical University in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Improved corrosion prevention with acid-aided regeneration technology

Shell Global Solutions: Critchfield, J.  |  Valenzuela, D.  |  Brok, T.  |  Klinkenbijl, J.  |  Lee, D.

Enhancing regeneration in amine treating systems has proven beneficial in many applications by improving operations and relieving design limitations via reduced steamrates and/or improved treating performance.

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